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Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos!

You will profit from this test! The questionnaire includes important questions on aspects of health, as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Above all you will gain insight into your personal Quality of Life and your Physical Activity. We would like to invite especially those of you who suffer from chronic diseases to take part in this questioning.

This test encourages and assists you in leading a more active, more conscious and happier life!
Quality of Life Analysis:
  • fast and comprehensive overview on how you yourself evaluate your personal quality of life
  • results presentation of your Quality of Life Analysis
Physical Activity Analysis:
  • precise and detailed overview on your physical activity over the past 4 weeks
  • results presentation of your Physical Activity
Advantages of Online-Questionnaires:
  • results presentation immediately after completing the questionnaire
  • protection of data privacy - enhanced security compared to paper questionnaires
  • availability - 24 hours a day
  • flexibility - customised questionnaires, individual timing
  • usability - effective user interfaces, easy handling